Structural Engineering- Indicative Publications (Full List of Publications)

S1. Anastasiadis A., Voghiatzis T., Sachpazis C., (2014): Trends and needs for the prediction of the inelastic capacity of steel members considering the differences in seismic loading conditions. 8th National Conference of Steel Structures. Tripoli, 3-5 October, Greece. CD, Paper 021. (pdf)

S5. Anastasiadis A., Mosoarca M., (2009): Vulnerability assessment of RC buildings for earthquake insurance purposes, Recent Advances in Risk Management, Assessment and mitigation, RIMA’ 10, UP Bucharest, Ro, T.U. Sofia, BG, April 2010, Bucharest, 126-131. (pdf)
S6. Gioncu V., Mosoarca M., Anastasiadis A., (2007): Precast concrete structures in seismic zones: Analysis of occurred damages. Conf. Structuri Prefabricate din Betonul Armat in Centrul si Estul Europei, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, pag 39-53. (in Romanian). (pdf)
S7. Anastasiadis A., Mosoarca M., Gioncu V., (2005): Design aspects of reduced beam sections for IPE and HEA European profiles. 5th Hellenic National Conference on Steel Structures, 29/9-2/10 Xanthi, Vol. I, pp. 25-33. (pdf)

S10. Anastasiadis A, Gioncu V, Mazzolani F.M., (2000): Toward a Consistent Methodology for Ductility Checking. Behaviour of Steel Structures in Seismic Areas, STESSA’2000, Montreal, Canada, 443-453. (pdf)
S11. Anastasiadis A, Gioncu V, Mazzolani F.M., (1999): New upgrading procedures to improve the Ductility of Steel Moment-Resisting Frames. XVII Congresso, CTA, Napoli 3-5 October 1999, 193-204. (pdf)